Wednesday, December 9, 2009

other blogs

ok, if you are ever looking for something to do when u r on the internet, got to these other blogs!

if anone else has a blog, email me and i can put it up here. for all those people that don't know my email (i don't know who that is, but whatever) its

its cold!

It is so cold outside! I had to walk home with snow pelting my face! I hate December. I almost slipped and then the mailman would have run over me, he was driving all crazy and almost ran into my mailbox! Know what I hate? How people say this, "I can get a phone when I'm 13 and my mom said I can pick out WHATEVER ONE I WANT and SHE WILL PAY FOR IT." Actually, I think Maddie hates it more than I do, she is the one who brought it up in the first place. My cousin is lucky, I don't think she had school today because of stupid snow. I'm depressed...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


see the fish in the corner? watch them and they follow your mouse. its so funny! and, if you click somewhere in the fish tank, you can leave food for them.


December is a weird month. I love it, but I hate it. I mean, it is an awesome month because of Christmas, but it isn't an awesome month because you have to wait until the end of December! A whole 25 days. it's also really cold. i hate that part about december.